Winter Family Festival 2016

January is one of my favorite months of the year.  As much as I love December with all the celebrations of the season, January is like a huge breath out and a great excuse to pull in.  It’s also a great month to get outdoors and feel the cold air and have fun in the snow or go for long bug-free hikes in the woods.  So when our 3rd annual Winter Family Festival rolled around this weekend and there was no snow to speak of, we met at Hale Reservation and hiked the trails with the whole crew.  We even had a snowball fight with two buckets of store bought fleece snowballs in the field at the end of the hike and had a blast!  These are treasured times when we can all get together and catch up on each others lives, savoring the break and loving the kids running around and reconnecting with each other.  Here are a few photos from our fun day, forever grateful for our time together.  Thanks Maureen and Doug for gathering us all together to celebrate family and the winter season!